JOSEPHINE BRUCE (nee Kaczmarczyk) beloved wife of the late Frank; loving mother of Russell (Tammy), Kathleen Ostry (deceased), Thomas (Suzanne),Robert (Denise) (deceased)(Laura Wallace) and...
JOHN ANTHONY ZAMPINO; 93, Beloved husband of Dottie K. (Nee Warwood) and the late Shirley (Nee Bedore); Loving father of Matthew Zampino, Louis Zampino...
VERA MARIE TOMKO age 90. Beloved mother of Vicki Masseria (Joe O’Hehir), Gina Creager (Dave Simerka) and Bob (Debbie); cherished grandmother of Jason Creager...
PATRICK WAYNE CUSTER; 30, Beloved husband of Ashley Theresa (Nee Calapa); Loving daddy of Joshua Wayne; Cherished son of Deborah Mastronicolas (Nick), and Michael...
BARTON REED BENJAMIN, age 82, of Macedonia, passed away Monday, December 16, 2024. Beloved husband of Nancy Lee (nee McCullough); loving father of Brad S....
PATRICIA ANESCHECK; 84, passed away on March 3, 2024. Beloved wife of John; loving mother of John Henry and Margaret Mary Akerley; adored grandmother...