Category: Summit County

OhioMeansJob Center to Suspend Public Access; Public Should Apply for Unemployment Online or Over Phone

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the OhioMeansJobs Center located at 1040 E. Tallmadge Ave in Akron will temporarily suspend access to the...

County Approves $200,00 to Food Bank for Emergency Distribution

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—On Monday, March 16, 2020, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council approved legislation to award $200,000 to the Akron-Canton Regional...

March 16 Updates to Summit County Continuity of Services

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—The following offices and agencies have offered updated guidance as to how the public should expect to interact in the coming days...

Summit County Executive Statement on Activation of Emergency Operations Center

In response to federal, state and local emergency declarations, the Summit County Executive has requested activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to help...

Summit County Update of Continuity of Services

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Countywide elected officials, agency directors and the Public Health Department recently met to discuss Summit County’s plan for continuity of services. Currently,...


Domestic Relations Division Summit County Court of Common Pleas Date: March 13, 2020 Attached please find a memorandum which outlines emergency measures being implemented in relation...

Summit County Office of Consumer Affairs Relocated to Tallmadge Ave.

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Effective immediately, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Office of Consumer Affairs is now located at 1040 E. Tallmadge Ave in Akron. The...

Home Weatherization Assistance Program Served Over 100 Homes in 2019

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—In 2019, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Department of Community and Economic Development helped 140 homes reduce their household energy burden through...

First Half 2019 Real Estate Tax Bills in the Mail, Due February 21, 2020

Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that first half 2019 real estate tax bills will be mailed beginning Friday,...

County employees show support for community in 2019

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Throughout 2019, Summit County and its employees generously donated to local non-profit organizations that support important causes and local residents in need....

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Statement on Proposed Opioid Settlements Constitutional Amendment

When Governor DeWine asked Summit County and our lawyers to participate in meetings to discuss opioid epidemic relief for all Ohioans, we did not...

Summit County Department of Finance and Budget receives national award

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Department of Finance and Budget was recently presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance...

County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to ‘slam the scam’

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Today, March 6, is the sixth annual Slam the Scam Day, a part of National Consumer Protection Week. The public awareness campaign...

County Executive Shapiro announces You Lucky Dog! adoption event at Animal Control

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County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to wear orange, support Inclusion Day

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—County Executive Ilene Shapiro is encouraging residents to empower and support people of all abilities by participating in Inclusion Day. Summit County...


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County Executive Shapiro urges residents to take protections against card skimming

Summit County Executive Shapiro is urging residents to take extra precautions against fraudsters  when making transactions in person at a card reader. There have...