Category: Video

Jabbering With Julie 2 27 22 (Audio and Video)

Julie talks about some projects in town getting close to approval and new taco shop has arrived! Nordonia Prom Fair Here are some links I...

Jabbering With Julie 2-20-22 New Restaurant and a New Event Center Opening in Northfield Village (Audio and Video)

J.L. Money Matters Podcast: M J Brigger Podcast Bussey Events Walkthrough Jackson Comfort  

Business Spotlight: J L Money Matters PODCAST (AUDIO AND VIDEO)

Julie L. and Julie D. talk about money. They discussed: What are some of the mistakes people and businesses make when preparing their books...

New Event Center Opening Soon in Northfield Village: Bussey Events (VIDEO)

Bussey Events is located in the former Grismer’s Religious Gifts 10229 Northfield Road. This will be a great location to have parties of many types....

Latest Media Work from Darayus Sethna at OU (Audio and Video)

Check out my latest sports segment with NewsWatch, where I break down Ohio men's and women's basketball, football, and WOUB's Hardwood Heroes! * Who am...

What is Spirituality? – Spiritual Wisdom With Mary Jane – NEW PODCAST SERIES (Audio and Video)

Does the energy of your life seem disruptive, confusing and just out of whack? Would you like to know how to manifest greater abundance,...

Jabbering With Julie 2-6-2022 – Chamber Director Retires, Wordle Explained and Contest Continues (Audio and Video)

Vegan Stuffed Peppers: Buffalo Stuffed Peppers: Library Book Sale Northfield Center News Adopt a cat: Jackson Comfort $500 Amazon Card Promotion: Epocke Super Bowl...

Jabbering With Julie 1-30-22 What is Going in the Wing Way Spot and More (also a contest) (Audio and Video)

#nordonianews #epockecatering #bestnordonianews Burlington store renovation Blossoms and Bow Guacamole Toast with Egg Whites Pic 1 Pic 2 Lego Party Messages From the Afterlife with Mary...

Jabbering With Julie Spiritual Podcast Coming and Ē•pock•ē News (Audio and Video)

Julie talks about a new spiritual podcast coming : social media and content marketing videos (get in now while they free) a new vegan recipe...

Jabbering With Julie 1-9-2022 Local construction projects, health update and Fluid Thrift (Audio and Video)

Julie talks about a local start up called Fluid Thrift, Northfield Village news, some construction projects from around town and  more. Fluid Thrift Interview: Local...

Business Spotlight: New Start Up Fluid Thrift (Audio and Video)

There is a new option in town if you are looking for clothes. Perhaps you are looking to get rid of some clothes you...

Jabbering With Julie – 1-2-2022 New Businesses – New Year (Audio and Video)

Julie talked about some of the changes you may see this year in town, Greek Taverna is looking for construction workers and restaurant help,...

From Johnny at the A Merry Little Tree Lot

The Merry Little Tree Lot is officially open for the 2024 season!! Come by & take a look at our selection. We have Scotch...

Podcasting Unplugged: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know (VIDEO)

Julie talks with Joshua about all the steps to producing a podcast: Planning Producing Promotion Fuzzy Things in the Corner of the Kitchen Podcast  Affiliate Links: Descript...

Journey from Trauma to Triumph | Author of Dictionary of Missing Time

Susan Eileen joins us to unravel the complex tapestry of addiction, mental health, and the path to recovery. As a recovery advocate and author...

Julie is Confused About Lebanon Baloney

In this video, Julie tries Lebanon Baloney for the first time and compares it to classic Salami. At first glance, they look identical, but...

Jabbering With Julie – No Borders Now