County Executive Shapiro, Council Honor Former Mayor Roth, Copley Girls Soccer

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Last night, County Executive Ilene Shapiro, Council President Veronica Sims and Council Members honored former Fairlawn Mayor Bill Roth and the 2022 State Championship Copley girls soccer team with commendations for their achievements.

Former Fairlawn Mayor Bill Roth retired in December 2022 as the longest-serving mayor in Summit County. Roth became mayor in 1996 and led Fairlawn with distinction for nearly three decades. While mayor, Roth spearheaded countless projects, including the creation of Fairlawn Gig, the city’s municipal broadband utility. He was especially an valuable partner to Summit County and played a major role in the construction of the Criminal Justice Fiber Ring, the creation of the Council of Governments to build and operate a joint emergency dispatch center, and the creation of the Council of Governments for the Summit Connects fiber project.

“Summit County is full of ordinary people doing extraordinary things every day to make our community a better place,” said County Executive Shapiro. “I am so proud of Mayor Roth and the Copley girls soccer team for their incredible and impactful accomplishments.”

Last year, Copley girls soccer captured the Division II state championship with a undefeated record. They outscored their opponents 133-5 throughout the season and never gave up more than one goal in game. Several members of the team were in attendance to accept the County’s commendation. Coach Wally Senk and senior Emma Stransky also received individual commendations for their recognition on the state and national stages. Coach Senk was named National High School Coach of the Year for the Small Public High School Classification by United Soccer Coaches. Stransky was named Ms. Soccer by the Ohio Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association and the Player of the Year in Division II and in the Suburban League American Conference.

“It gives me great pleasure to honor both former Mayor Roth and the Copley Girls Soccer Team. They are an incredible example of the extraordinary talent in Summit County and I’m proud to have them as residents in District 5,” said Council President Veronica Sims.

Pres Sims, Jolene Roth, Bill Roth, Exec Shapiro
Julie D'Aloiso
Julie D'Aloiso
Owner of SpiderCat Marketing, Station Manager at NEO Community Radio, and content manager for NordoniaHills.News

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