From NCT Trustee Buescher – Taking a Stand in 2020



#557  THURSDAY JUNE 25, 2020



Rod Serling could not have envisioned, let alone write a Twilight Zone episode that would even come close to what we are witnessing in this country today.  I haven’t sent a newsletter for quite some time because quite frankly, I didn’t know where to start because just like many of you, I’ve become overwhelmed, disillusioned and angry over what I’ve witnessed during the past six-months and beyond.  In fact, I hardly even recognize my own country anymore!

All the protests and rioting seemed so far away yet it is still occurring in my own country.  Cities have been burned and occupied and the elected ‘leaders’ ordered their police to stand down and let it happen.  Our heritage, our rights and our history are being destroyed with no one to answer for it.  The list goes on and on and now the rage is to degrade, insult and even defund our police departments under the guise of rampant racism when the official crime statistics appear to show otherwise.  Granted, the murder of George Floyd was a horrific crime and his killer will face justice but his tragic death has now been overshadowed by the protests against all of our dedicated law enforcement personnel.

For many years, our Township proudly displayed the “Thin Blue Line Flag” alongside many US flags that we posted along the Memorial Day route on Olde Eight Road.  Recently, I received an email from a person using a fictitious name complaining about the flag and demanding its removal.  I respectfully declined the demand.  A couple of days later, a “Black Lives Matter” flier was illegally posted on the pole beneath the flag, which was removed by our Zoning Inspector.

There was also an email making its rounds from another fictitious name claiming that they were thinking about moving to our community but were upset to see the flag and were worried that they could be killed by a cop.  We found out later that this same form letter was being sent to several other communities for obvious intimidation purposes.

Just this past week, we were alerted to a possible protest at our 5-point intersection where a shutdown of the intersection was planned.  This came from a young man in Macedonia who was obviously trying to rile up a few of his friends with the biased and manipulated ‘news’ he heard on CNN.

Once our Township was made aware of this, my fellow two Trustees ordered our Service Department to remove the flag “to prevent chaos.”  This was done without my being consulted.  If I was, I would, without any hesitation, tell them to keep it in place!  Unfortunately, I found out about this after the flag was removed! I always have been and always will be a staunch supporter of ALL of our law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel.  I know that my fellow Trustees are not anti-law enforcement.  I do believe that their knee-jerk decision was based on a fear of trouble and possible destruction of property.  In my opinion, it was misguided and done without much thought as to the consequences and backlash.

At around noon last Tuesday, five (5) protesters showed up and waived their protest signs and they stayed there for an hour or so even during a very heavy rainfall.  They kept staring at the Sheriff’s cruiser in the parking lot watching them.  What they didn’t realize was the fact that the Deputy wasn’t only making sure that they didn’t break any laws but that he was also there to protect them if someone wanted to start trouble with them.

These young people protested in a peaceful and lawful manner but those of us who were watching were trying to figure out what they wished to gain.  If some kind of ‘change’ was the goal then standing on a street corner won’t cut it.  I wonder if they ever thought about VOTING?  Probably not since none of them ever bothered to register to vote, including the organizer!

Today, I am happy to report that Thin Blue/Red flags will be flying on our Townhall and Fire station flagpoles.  In addition, a Thin Blue/Red/Green flag will fly on the pole where the original flag was removed!  This was obviously the result of the many complaints about the flag’s removal that were received at our Townhall and by my fellow Trustees.  Someone had to take a stand against this nonsense and that someone was many of YOU!  I will be flying a thin blue/red line flag in my front yard and will proudly do so to show my continued and unwavering support for all of our officers in ALL of our Nordonia Hills communities and our great nation!  I encourage everyone reading this to do the same!

To learn more about the “Thin Blue Line Flag”, please watch this informative one-minute video:

Paul Buescher
Paul Buescher
Northfield Center Trustee

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