Hank approved: Stay inside a 30-foot-tall beagle at unique hotel

NordoniaHills.News has a mascot named Hank. We are putting Hank to work now, finding pet stories to share with you.


Here is his first find (not surprisingly, it is a beagle related story):

Stay inside a 30-foot-tall beagle at unique hotel

COTTONWOOD, Idaho – If you find yourself driving north or south bound on Highway 95 in Idaho there is a must see roadside attraction. It’s called the Dog Bark Park Inn in Cottonwood, Idaho. You can’t miss the 30-foot-tall dog structure facing the highway. The best part about the dog is that you are able to stay the night in it. Click here to read the rest of the story

You can send your pet related stories to hank@nordoniahills.news





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