Help Me Rhonda: Getting Rid of Mold

What is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that consists of small organisms found almost everywhere. They can be black, white, orange, green, or purple. … Molds thrive on moisture and reproduce by means of tiny, lightweight spores that travel through the air. You’re exposed to mold every day.

Is mold worse in summer or winter?

Mold is more prevalent in the summer because fungal spores get a lot of food and water to grow. In the winter months mold spores are typically not as prevalent, since mold can’t grow in freezing temperatures.

How can I tell if I have mold in my home?

  1. You visibly see mold spores. 
  2. You feel like you have a lingering cold or are battling flu-like symptoms. 
  3. You notice a bit of a musty or damp smell.
  4. You’ve recently been getting more nosebleeds

How can I tell that I have mold poisoning or allergies?

Your doctor may perform a blood test. They would send your blood sample to the lab to test for the reaction of certain antibodies in your immune system to different mold species, (including black mold) or they might perform a skin prick test.

How to get rid of house mold

You must have long rubber gloves, goggles or a facemask.

Scrub moldy surfaces with mold cleaner. Scrub the surface mold stains from walls and wood trim with a mixture of 1 qt. water and 1/2 cup bleach mold cleaner to kill the mold. Use a soft brush and work until signs of the mold disappear.

Or make it easy on yourself and call Help Me Rhonda Cleaning Services 330-908-1499!

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