How To Control and Prevent Mold Growth in the Fall

Changing foliage and the start of holiday seasons both do their part to make fall the favorite season for many Ohioans. However, the season also brings plenty of frustration for many homeowners. After the rainy season wraps up, damp garages, basements, and attics are all prime locations for harboring new mold growth and putting your family at risk. Here are a few tips for how to control and prevent mold growth in the fall.

Open the Windows for Fresh Air

Mold relies on a warm, damp environment to thrive. Once you kick on the heat in your home to cope with fall temperatures, any moisture left over from the rainy season spells trouble. While opening your windows does let the cold in, it can dry the air in your home as well. This fresh air inhibits mold growth while you seek out any damp areas to dry manually.

Keep an Eye on Trouble Areas

You’ll want to check in on multiple areas throughout your home during the coming months to keep an eye out for any mold growth. A few great places to start include under sinks, along basement ceilings, and along the tiles in your bathroom. Keeping these areas clean and dry can prevent mold from appearing.

One other place that homeowners need to remember to check is inside the gutter’s downspouts. If the falling leaves clog up a downspout, the water can pool or spill around the house’s perimeter and seep directly into your home’s foundations.

Know When To Call in Professionals

Once mold appears, keeping it from spreading further is the best action most homeowners can take on their own. At-home methods can remove surface molds, but mold growing under tiles or inside the vents or walls can continue to put your family at risk of allergies and irritation.

If you spot mold or mildew growth, reaching out to professional remediation specialists is the best way to tackle either one at its source and remove it entirely from your home. Mold remediation specialists can also recommend specific ways to keep your property safe from future growth as the season shifts from fall foliage to falling snow.

Understanding how to control and prevent mold growth in the fall keeps family members with asthma or other breathing problems safer and improves your property value. Tackling mold growth and prioritizing prevention strategies after the rainy season each year makes it easier to sell your home in the future!

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