How to submit an announcement or event

With over 100,000 people seeing our content every month, we are a great place to broadcast out any news that you want to announce.

OBITS: To submit a paid death notice, email the funeral or memorial information and other details (picture is allowed but not required). Click here to see examples.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: For paid announcements of GARAGE SALES, items for sale, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, birthdays or other events, email all of the the details (picture is allowed but not required).

BUSINESS NEWS: Business events, paid job postings (click to see examples), promotions and other news can be sent to email (picture and logos are allowed but not required).

There is a charge for most of these types of announcements. Prices vary. Contact Julie D’Aloiso 216-534-7467 or email to request a price of ask a question.

You can also send us letter to the editor, lost or found dog, story ideas, pictures of your pretty pet, old pictures (we call “Blast from the Past” click to see examples) and anything else you think people would find interesting. These submissions are FREE and must have your name listed as a source.

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