Kathy’s memories of Longwood Farm: Bale the Hay

Editor’s note: This is a new section in NordoniaHills.News. Kathy Pallaise lived with her family on the Longwood Farm. They lived in a cottage that was directly behind the Longwood Manor. The cottage is not there now. Her family took care of the farm and all of the animals. She will be writing about her experience living there. This is the second in the series. The first article in the series can be found here.

Another memory of the farm. I remember the first time we were getting ready to bale hay at the farm, I had no idea how to drive a tractor so my sister’s husband at the time took me out in one of the fields beside the cottage and Manor and taught me how to drive the farm big orange case tractor. The next day I was out in the fields driving the tractor and pulling the hay wagon. Usually there was a few of use bailing hay Lou(Mr. Restock, (my dad Tom Bolger and my dad’s best friend Bob Skelly and my sisters husband Robert Kidd. It was a lot of work but at the same time a lot of hay. After I learned how to drive the tractors I was driving a tractor around and accidentally hit the bee house that Mr.Long had behind the barns. I told Mr. long and he told me it’s: “It is ok, It has been hit a lot!” That sure was a relief. See more about the bee incident here.

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