PEOPLE: Suggestions From a Local Cashier In Regards to the COVID-19 Crisis

1.) A lot can be taken for granted at this time and I realize how lucky I am to be an essential employee at this time. I am sincerely grateful I’m still employed and have a job/the ability to work.

2.) That being said, I’m continually seeing people come into the store with family or a group of friends. If a grocery trip is truly essential, one person per household should suffice. Ideally, asking the help of a friend or neighbor would minimize the amount of people out and about even further. I realize most people’s intentions are good but it’s saddening and frustrating to feel like people are still not taking this as seriously as they should. Please please please stay home if you can. This thing needs some of the better qualities found in the human condition- kindness, patience and cooperation.

PS: 3.) please be nice to your local employees. I’m mind blown at the amount of people who still come in with a bad attitude in the middle of a pandemic. If I wanted to be a punching bag, I would’ve been an MMA fighter, not a cashier.

Elizabeth Shedroff

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