Letter to the Editor: Kim Griner’s Response to Chief Hayes Email

From Kim Griner

This letter is to respond to a confusing email I received from Sagamore Hills Police Chief  David Hayes in regards to the investigation surrounding Rosemary Barrett, the former Fire District 27 Fiscal Officer. A few questions come to mind:

  1. Why did the Summit County Sherriff exclude Sagamore Hills from the investigation concerning missing funds? Could it be Summit County didn’t trust certain Sagamore Hills Trustees with vital information for fear of an internal leak?
  2. Rumor has it that both fiscal officers of Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills were never questioned? Wouldn’t they seem to be the logical people to at least have a conversation with regarding the finances of the district?
  3. Was former Fire Chief Frank Risko ever questioned in his role In the credit card misuse?
  4. If you(Chief Hayes) say the investigation is over, why Sagamore Hills Det Rice allegedly continuing to question certain Trustees concerning Ms. Barrett?
  5. It appears that Summit County and Sagamore Hills have a communication issue. Could that be the result of a Sagamore Hills Trustee shooting his mouth off in public about Sheriff information previously?
  6. First, the figure was $10,000 Barrett stole. Then it now stands at about $25,000. and the rumor is that figure will be at least be double when the dust,(and dirt) finally settle.
  7. I have offered to speak with Sagamore Hills investigators about my inside knowledge of this miscarriage of funds. They refuse to speak with me citing the investigation was over. Yet Summit County has interviewed me and found my information creditable as well as valuable in this case. I have been slandered and ridiculed by Trustees from both Townships as being misinformed simply because I demand the TRUTH as far as these missing funds. In time, I will be vindicated if the truth is allowed to come forward.

See related article from Script Type Publishing

Ms. Griner,

We cannot prosecute Ms. Barrett any further. Her investigation was conducted by the Sheriff’s Office and Summit County Prosecutor. Sagamore Hills was shut out of the investigation by them. If you have information pertinent to her prosecution, please contact these agencies.

David E. Hayes
Police Chief/Township Administrator
Sagamore Hills Township
11551 Valley View Road
Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067
(330) 468-3515
F.B.I. National Academy Graduate-Session 261

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