Local Grocery Stores Limiting Number of Building Occupants

By Julie D’Aloiso

Starting tomorrow, stores in Ohio are required to limit the total occupancy (this includes employees).

This change was ordered by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: See Amended Stay at Home Order here. It says in part: “Stores shall determine and enforce the maximum capacity of persons permitted in any store such that at all persons in a store at any one time may safely and comfortably maintain a six–foot distance from each other. Every store shall prominently display at every entrance the maximum capacity number.”

This new order does not go into effect until Monday, but some stores are making changes ahead of time. Yesterday, Walmart and Costco started limiting how many people are in the building. Walmart was limiting occupants to 835. Costco limit number was 100. Giant Eagle, Peppers, and Marc’s will start the new occupancy limitations on Monday. It is up to each store to set the total occupancy number.


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