Longwood Manor Historical Society (LMHS) Meeting July 26, 2022

We had a meeting on 8/24 and extend a welcome to our new members.

It has been a productive time at Longwood Manor.  The flat roof has been replaced over the restroom and kitchen area.  Thanks to DunRite Exteriors for the work.  The bill has been turned in for payment.  There is still some leakage by the window and door area on the second floor over the flat roof that needs to be addressed as well as gutter work.

Tuck pointing on the south side of the Manor is scheduled to start in September.  There are also some repairs needed to the chimney.

Work is progressing on the landscaping.  Thanks to the city for the brush and overgrowth that they have been clearing out.

The dining room ceiling repairs should be completed in September.  The ceiling will then need to be painted.  Plan is to have it done by the Haunted Hallow on October 15.

We are looking to get electrical work done.  If anyone has an electrician to recommend, please let me or our President, Deb know.

LMHS needs help with its website.  If you can assist or know of anyone please let us know.

The Rummage sale was a great success and as such another weekend is planned for August 26, 9-4 and August 27, 9-3.  We would love to see you, please stop by.

There are open houses scheduled on August 28 and September 25 from 1-4.

LMHS is presenting a program on Colonel Long and Longwood Manor to the Daughters of the American Revolution on September 10.  They will be raffling off a fall table runner with the proceeds going to LMHS.

Flag football concessions will start September 10 and help is needed.  It is easy work.  We plan to sell popcorn, beverages and some candy.

Next meeting is September 27 at 10AM.  We will probably switch to evening meetings starting in October.

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