Mary Jane Brigger – How She Became a Spirit Channeler (Audio and Video)

Julie D’s Inner Circle Speaker Series

Celtic Wise Woman Inner Circle With Mary Jane Brigger

The Celtic Wise Woman Voice of Spirit Trance Spirit Channel/Medium

Julie: Mary Jane, could you introduce us to yourself and your work

  • Several Years ago while sponsoring a Shamanic Soul Retreat here at The Healing Cottage, I experienced a mystical meeting and embodying the energy of the Goddess, who is the Great Mother and who call themselves the Sacre Sisterhood/Motherhood.
  • Since then, I have and continue to channel the Higher Realms of the Celtic Sacred Sisterhood that also include Archangels as well as messages from Loved Ones in Spirit.

The Celtic Wise Woman, tell us how you became to be known as her

Celtic Wise Woman came to be after a trip to Ireland in 2019 awakened me the deep feminine spirituality of Ireland and the many Goddesses they worshiped, and still honor within Druidism and Paganism within all the Celtic lineages of Irish, Scot, English and Welsh.

While in Ireland, I had many mystical experiences with the Energetic Celtic Spirituality of the Land. As an American whose heritage is 90% Irish, Scot and Welsh, my mind body and soul was awakened to the Celtic Spirituality of the Wise Woman.

The Wise Woman was the midwife, the healer, the herbalist as well as the Oracle and Seer of the village or community. Often she was an older woman who’s life of experience and spiritual attunement to to the land and the Great Mother, or Goddess, made her a central figure within the community.

What is the draw to Celtic Wise Woman and Feminine Spirituality? 

We are now experiencing many women returning to Feminine Spirituality such as Celtic, as a deep remembering is rising within them which has led many to seek their Spiritual Feminine Side with mediumship, herbalists, crystals, essential oils, Tarot and Oracl Cards as ways to reunite with their own feminie spirituality.

Tell Us More About Your Services

As a Celtic Wise Woman, I provide Channeled Messages From Spirit that include the Sacred Sisterhood, Motherhood and Archangels. Within these sacred channelings, I am also able to provide Messages from Loved Ones in Spirit.

I also provide group and private  retreats for women here at The Healing Cottage as well Circles of Spiritual Education in the Celtic Feminine Spirituality including mediumship, spirit attunement and more.

And I am also now collaborating with Secret Ireland Tours to bring women to Ireland June 0f 2023 to study and work with a Druid Priestess as well as tour the magic of southern Ireladn.

Tell Us What Your Upcoming Celtic Wise Woman Videos Will be about

Our next video is about the difference between psychic mediums and channelers


This all leads up to an event, here at The Healing Cottage sponsored by Julie D’s Speaker Series called: 

The Celtic Wise Woman
Channeled Messages from Spirit Inner Circle
Saturday  July 30
4:30 – 7:00

10 people (limit)


I am Mary Jane Brigger, and for over 15 years I have provided messages from Spirit through my energy work in Reiki here at The Healing Cottage located in West Salem, Ohio. Prior to that my practic was in Sagamore Hills, Ohio located within my home until our move to West Salem. 

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