Nordonia Response to Uvalde Tragedy

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools,

Dear Nordonia Families,

I’m sure that many of you have heard about the terrible tragedy
yesterday in Uvalde, Texas. Our thoughts and prayers are with the
families, staff, and community of Uvalde as they face this senseless

The safety and well-being of Nordonia students and staff is our top
priority. As we learn more about yesterday’s horrific act of violence,
we naturally think about our preparedness for such an event here at
home. The Nordonia crisis management team meets continually to review
and practice safety plans, always preparing for events we pray never
happen. We are grateful for our close relationship with all of our first
responders for their guidance and support in these efforts. In addition
to this support at school, they have provided links to several resources
at the bottom of this letter about how to support your child at home
after tragedies such as these. These resources give guidance on
answering questions, providing reassurance, and navigating difficult

Even as we create and review emergency action plans, however, one thing
is not lost on us: the single best way to prevent tragedies like
yesterday’s is to create a school culture of love, caring, and trust.
Our mission is to treat each student as if he or she were our own, to
help our students develop character traits that emphasize empathy and
inclusiveness, and to develop trusting relationships with students so
they feel comfortable talking to an adult when they have concerns for
themselves or others.

Parents, please remind your children that if they ever have any
information about potential threats to school safety they should report
their concerns to a school employee immediately so that the concern can
be investigated thoroughly. You and your child also may call or text
1-844-723-3764. This tip line serves our community 24 hours a day,
whenever a student or concerned adult senses a threat to student safety.
The call center guarantees the anonymity of the person who calls or

It is natural for children to feel or express fear or confusion as they
learn about this horrible situation. Please know that our school
counselors are available to assist and provide support for students who
may have concerns. Together, we can best ensure that the Nordonia Hills
City School District will maintain a safe environment, allowing us to
focus on our students’ academic success!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Uvalde community. Thank you for
your continued support of the Nordonia Schools, and Go Knights!


Joe Clark, Ph.D.



Ledgeview Elementary – Jen Wilhelm – 330-908-6302

Northfield Elementary- Leslie Witt – 330-908-6243

Rushwood Elementary- Kirk Galbreath – 330-908-6534

Lee Eaton 5th Grade – Danielle Ricchino – 330-908-6413

Lee Eaton 6th Grade – Tonya Huml – 330-908-6452

Middle School 7th Grade – Dr. Rachel Vitale – 330-908-6608

Middle School 8th Grade – Theresa Bonick – 330-908-6609

High School 9th Grade – Nicole Seward – 330-908-6022

High School 10th Grade – Laura Zinke – 330-908-6024

High School 11th Grade – Courtney Wenzel – 330-908-6023

High School 12th Grade – Staci Ross – 330-908-6003


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