North Summit Lions Club Helping Out


The North Summit Lions Club assists families in Nordonia Hills, especially children & veterans with meal and eye care needs.
We have many partnerships within the community.  The North Summit Lions Club works hand in hand with The Emergency Assistance Center, The Nordonia Schools Foundation, V. F. W. Post 6768 and America’s Best Eye Care.
On Saturday, February 26th Jennifer Brooks of America’s Best called me an asked if we could pickup approximately twenty boxes of new & used glasses.  The glasses were donated by the family of a deceased client.
Lion Lucky Nehez & I met with Jennifer that afternoon and loaded those boxes containing over one thousand pair of glasses with the help of Jennifer’s employee.
Lion Lucky has since taken them to St. Vincent Charity Hospitals Eye Care Center to be recycled for use by people in need, but may not have the resources to get glasses on their own.
We make a monthly collection and take the glasses to the eye center.  This was the largest pickup to date!

Picture taken by: Vini J . Ventura