Northfield Center Township Celebrates Arbor Day Honoring Sam Ciocco and Rick Youel


The Northfield Center Township Trustees in conjunction with the Northfield Center Township Park Committee celebrated Arbor Day in a fitting event on Saturday May 1st honoring Township Administrator Sam Ciocco, who passed away on May 30, 2018 and Service Director Rick Youel, who passed away this year on February 9. Both were devoted employees and left us far too soon. The township in conjunction with the Park Committee received a $750 grant from NOPEC for the event.  Two Autumn Blaze Maples were planted in their memory.  On behalf of Summit Soil & Water Conservation, 25 River Birch and 25 American Sycamore trees were given to those in attendance. Mrs. Mary Lou Ciocco and Mrs. Brooke Youel are shown below.