
Northfield Village: Update on the Proposed Freedom Range Academy Project

Howard Shafron, representing New Plaza Management Co. the property owner of Summit Plaza — has shared with us an updated revised Floor Plan for the proposed Freedom Range Academy project at Summit Plaza, located at 10333 Northfield Road.

On Wednesday, August 23, 2023, Mr. Shafron, along with team members Scott Gloger and Aaron Vaughn, will attend the Village Council Meeting. They will be presenting their revised plans and providing updates on the project’s progress. The team is also prepared to answer any queries about the project during this session.

Here’s a brief update on the Freedom Range Academy’s proposal:

You may remember that the original plan was approved, subject to certain conditions, by both the Planning Commission and the Village Council on October 19, 2022, and October 26, 2022, respectively. See related article

The updated Floor Plan, provided by Howard Shafron on August 2, 2023, displays a building footprint of 128′ x 97′, equating to a revised total square footage of 12,458 square feet.

For comparison, the original Floor Plan showed a larger building footprint of 148′ x 107′, with an overall square footage of 15,920 square feet.

The revised floor plan shows some noticeable changes, including a reduction in both the size of the firearm ranges and the retail space.

Additional details regarding these changes and other aspects of the project will be presented by Mr. Shafron, Mr. Gloger, and Mr. Vaughn at the upcoming Council Meeting on August 23rd.

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