Operation – ‘Desert Strike’ – Addendum


Since I initially posted the story of my involvement in Operation ‘Desert Strike’, a few interesting developments have occurred. 

I heard from an individual, who must remain anonymous, about a book titled ‘The Day After Roswell.’ The author, Col. Philip J. Corso, originally from Pennsylvania, relates about how he witnessed one of the beings from the Roswell Crash while he was stationed at Fort Riley Kansas. 

Now, before you jump to the conclusion that Corso is a crackpot, he was with General Patton in North Africa and Europe throughout WWII. Afterwards he spent years in Rome
before being finally reassigned stateside. He was later a confidant of President Eisenhower who gave him command of the first NIKE missile site in Berlin. Despite his credentials, he
was visited on more than one occasion by ‘men in black.’ In his book Corso says the residents of Roswell, who witnessed matters were also visited and told to shut their collective mouths or else. 

If you wonder, like I do, why the Roswell story was squelched and blamed on a crashed ‘weather balloon’, Corso’s telling is that it was done so the communist governments of Russia and China did not obtain the technology discovered from the crashed spacecraft .. 

Since I obtained the book from the Summit County Library, I coincidently tuned in to a Netflix new show about UFOs. In one of the chapters Col. Corso is seen being interviewed. Yet in another Chapter we are told that DNA tests on one of the beings was determined to be of human origin. 

I leave you with ‘believe what you will’ about all this. Yet some of the cave dwellings of ancient cultures around the globe all have a reference to a ‘sky people.’Â