True or False: Debunking Myths About Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are eco-friendly solutions to home improvement. Are they the superheroes of sustainability or just another roofing option? It’s time to understand what’s true or false as we debunk common myths about metal roofs.

Metal Roofs Are Noisy

Imagine rain pelting a tin roof and creating a cacophony. Is this the reality for modern metal roofs? Not at all! With quality insulation and solid sheathing, metal roofs are as quiet as their asphalt shingle counterparts. The installation technique results in muted external noise.

Metal Roofs Attract Lightning

A lightning bolt streaking across the sky is a sight to behold, but the idea that metal roofs attract lightning is false. Metal is a good conductor, but lightning seeks the path of least resistance to the ground, not necessarily to a metal surface. A metal roof is no more a lightning magnet than a non-metal one.

Metal Roofs Are Prone to Rust

You might assume that metal plus rain equals rust, but modern metal roofs beg to differ. They are covered with a cocktail of protective coatings that resist corrosion. Metal roofs can remain in great condition for decades, often outliving other roofing materials by a wide margin.

Metal Roofs Make Homes Hot

Heat rises, and in the case of metal roofs, it rises right off them. Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat rather than absorb it. During the winter, their insulative properties keep homes warm.

Metal Roofs Are Unaffordable

While the upfront cost for a metal roof installation is steep, it is a long-term investment. Their longevity, energy efficiency, and low maintenance requirements can result in substantial savings over time. Is the investment worth it? Some metal roofs can last over 50 years. Instead of wondering whether a metal roof is worth it, ask yourself if you can afford not to consider one.

Metal Roofs Interfere With Technology

Are you wondering if a metal roof interferes with Wi-Fi and cell service? Worry not! The roof is just one element of home construction, and poor cell signals or Wi-Fi connections are likely caused by geographic features or distance from a cell tower. Your technology is safe under a metal roof!

The next time you encounter metal roof myths, you can debunk them with your newfound knowledge of what’s true or false. Should you find yourself pondering the compatibility between metal roofs and basic home functions, you’ll be happy to know metal roofs are superior.

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