We are looking for SUPERFANS

A little over two years ago, Julie D’Aloiso and former Northfield Village Mayor Victor Milani joined forces to form Nordonia Hills. News, an Internet-based news source for Nordonia Hills. The success of Nordonia Hills. News has resulted in close to 3600 “Likes” on Facebook, and a monthly following of at times nearly 150,000 readers via social media, and thousands of viewers on our website daily. Because we live here, we are very involved in the community. We have our ears very close to the ground! This helps us get the news out daily instead of weekly.

We do receive money from advertisers as you can tell from the ads on our website. But some people have expressed interest in showing appreciation to us monetarily. They are our SUPERFANS. They love what we do and how unique it is (for this area).  They want to feel as though they are a part of what we do.

If you are a SUPERFAN, your contribution of $20, will help us to expand services, and continue to provide Nordonia Hills with daily news and updates through your computer or smart device. We will continue to be FREE to all our followers as usual, but to ensure longevity in this venture, we would appreciate any fiscal subscription assistance you can provide. 

If you wish to be a SUPERFAN, click this link to pay $20 via credit card securely through Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account to do so).
If you would like to pay via check, make your check out to SpiderCat Marketing and mail your check to SpiderCat Marketing 8354 Shepard Rd. Macedonia Oh 44056.*
*If you pay via check you can choose your own payment amount!

Have you signed up to receive our weekly emails? You can do so here.

Help us continue to provide Nordonia Hills with daily, accurate and informative news you can use and identify with. Thank you in advance!

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