“We even had a summer football camp there” – Jordan Byrd speaks about his Baldwin Wallace football offer

Jordan Byrd has made a big impact with the Nordonia Knights. He has been active in playing both basketball and baseball for the Boys Knights. On May 20, 2024, he received an invitation from Coach Hilvert to visit Baldwin Wallace, where he had a great time showcasing his talent.


Eight days later, he received an offer from Baldwin Wallace University, showing his skill on the field. He also recently got an honorable mention in the All-Suburban Conference. He shared his story and journey with our high school correspondent, Joshua Okeke, to talk about his new offer.


How has your journey been in high school athletics leading up to this point?

My journey in high school athletics has been pretty interesting. I started off my freshman year playing on the freshman football team, and we had an undefeated season. Coming into my sophomore year, I didn’t know what to expect. I got to learn as much as I could, and I even played on special teams and different packages on defense. Junior year came around, and I got the starting spot at linebacker. I was still learning the position as I went, but I had great seniors in front of me to help me along the way.


Can you describe the recruitment process that led to your offer from Baldwin Wallace?

Getting recruited by Baldwin Wallace was both exciting and emotional because many coaches and players who came before me also attended Baldwin Wallace. We even had a summer football camp there during my sophomore year. Then, the quarterbacks coach, Coach Cregan, invited me for a visit. I went, and I loved the campus and everything about it.


Many Nordonia Knights athletes have joined Baldwin Wallace. What are your thoughts on this trend?

With so many people coming from Aniyah going to bars and wireless, it really helped me understand what type of program they have and the type of culture that they built around their football team.


You excel in both basketball and football. Why did you choose football as your career path?

When it comes to basketball, I’ve been playing my whole life, but football always came more naturally to me. Football felt like I should be there, and it felt like I belonged.


How do you plan to balance your studies and your sports life in college?

Balancing sports and school has always been pretty easy for me. My coach always tells me that you are a student first, then an athlete, and that always stuck with me. I try my best to keep up with everything in the classroom and make sure to maintain all that I can before stepping foot on a practice field.


Who do you attribute your success to, and how have they supported you?

My teammates and my coaches have really helped me in this process, and I attribute a lot of my success to them, specifically Caleb Aiken. He really pushes me in places that some people don’t excel in, like the weight room or practice when we’re doing drills against one another. He always pushes me to become the best version of myself.


What was your experience like when you visited Baldwin Wallace on May 20th?

My visit to Ballwin Wireless was pretty good. They have amazing facilities, a great campus, and a great space in the Berea area.


What message do you have for your teammates and coaches at Nordonia as you move forward?

If I could say anything to my teammates and coaches, I’d say thank you for always pushing me and getting me to where I am now, and I can’t wait to see what this season holds.

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