Joshua Okeke, our sports reporter, talked with Robert Watson about his time at Nordonia High School, what inspires him, and his other sports interests.
Joshua Okeke: What skills have you developed through basketball that you find valuable in other areas of your life?
Rob Watson: Hard- work and consistency are what I’ve learned the most. In life, much like in basketball, there is no substitute for hard work. If you want to get ahead or change your situation, you must work at it and outwork others. NBA players don’t wake up and become the best in the world. They work tirelessly at it, and working one day and then taking two or three days off isn’t going to get it done either. That is the consistency part. When you pair hard work with consistency and a good attitude, the sky’s the limit.
Joshua Okeke: To the basketballers currently at Nordonia High School who see you as a role model, what advice would you give on their school transition decision and athletics career?
Rob Watson: To basketball players at Nordonia High School, listen to your coaches. Coach Sanders, Smith, and Springer are all very knowledgeable and have the best interests in mind of all their players. You are in great hands with them. Always keep your head down and work harder. Not everything will go your way, but keep faith in yourself and stay consistent in the gym and classroom, and you’ll end up where you should be. Please don’t take the decision lightly for those who’ll be recruited by colleges and decide what to do next. Do as much research as you can, talk with your family, pray whatever the most thorough process of learning everything you can about a school is for you do it, and then do it again once you genuinely put your all into attempting to figure that out I think you’ll be able to make a decision and be at peace with it.
Joshua Okeke: You seem to be a big fan of LeBron James. Who has been the most influential person in your basketball career and why?
Rob Watson: I am a huge fan of LeBron. He was the first athlete I tried to be like, and watching him play only made me want to try and be the best at basketball, but the most influential person in my basketball career was my father. He’s been at every game, helped me work out, driven me to all the tournaments, and been the biggest fan and honest with me. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. His wisdom and support are the backbone of my whole basketball career.
Joshua Okeke: Which is your pick, The Lakers or The Cavs?
Rob Watson: I have to go with the Cavs. I’ve been a lifelong Cleveland fan, Browns, Cavs, and Guardians, for my entire life. I’ll be cheering for the Cleveland teams, no matter what.
Joshua Okeke: Aside from basketball, you seem to be interested partly in Wrestling and American Football. Which will you rank first and why?
Rob Watson: I’ll choose football because the Browns game will always have a special place in my heart (even though they haven’t won a lot). I’ve made so many memories of attending football games since I was very young. I love watching pro wrestling, though my favorites right now are Cody Rhodes and Trick Williams. I’m sad I won’t be home to go to Summerslam this summer.