What Are the Disadvantages of Hard Water?

Hard water is a massive nuisance that many homeowners have to face. While rich in minerals, this water can create unnecessary problems around the home. The good news is that you can mitigate this annoyance easily.

The first step to removing hard water is knowing exactly which issues it’s causing. What are the disadvantages of hard water? Read on to learn more.

Bad Smells and Tastes

Many people complain about hard water’s smell and taste. Minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium leave your water tasting metallic and smelling like sulfur. While the presence of these minerals doesn’t have any adverse effects on your health, they’re unpleasant to consume and leave your body and home smelling terrible.

Lingering Residue

You know you have a hard water problem when you find residue on your clothing and surfaces around your home. This thin layer of grime is a significant disadvantage of hard water because it’s unsightly and difficult to remove. Anything your water touches is vulnerable to mineral buildup, including your bathtub, shower, dishes, and silverware.

Aesthetic Problems

Do you find your skin more sticky and irritated after bathing than before? If so, you probably have hard water causing problems. Hard water clogs pores and dries out your skin, making it flaky and unable to absorb moisture. Hard water can also make your hair appear dull and dingy. In addition, hard water minerals affect the way soap dissolves, making it more challenging to remove in the shower.

Poor Appliance Maintenance

Perhaps the most severe drawback to hard water is its impact on your home appliances. Hard water forms limescale deposits in your boiler and pipe systems, which reduces their longevity and efficiency capabilities. These same issues occur when hard water is present in your dishwasher, HVAC, and solar heating systems. There are several places around your home where you can install your water softener to combat this issue.

Now that you what problems to look out for, you can start making wise decisions regarding your home’s water system. No matter what, make sure you work with a professional who can help you with all of your home improvement needs.

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