Why Is It Hard To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Whether you lost 20 or 100 pounds, meeting your weight loss goals is amazing. However, fitness challenges don’t disappear after losing weight. This guide will shed light on why it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off. It will also provide excellent advice for weight management!

Weight Loss Is Only Part of the Battle

Meeting your weight loss goals is a celebratory moment! Be proud of your accomplishment and think of the milestones you had to meet to achieve your goal. Once the celebration is over, it’s time to create a weight maintenance plan. This may change your eating and exercise habits, but it’s essential to think about the road ahead.

If you’re struggling to maintain your current weight, you’re not alone! Many people express that weight maintenance is harder than weight loss itself. It requires you to tap into self-discipline and reframe your habits.

Struggling To Maintain Weight Loss

The main reason it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off is that your metabolism is slowing down. When you lose weight, your metabolism slows down because there is less body weight to support. Additionally, certain eating habits can influence your weight maintenance. People who shed pounds from fad diets or restrictive meal plans have a hard time returning to normal meals.

When you stick to an abnormal meal plan and return to old habits, it’s easy for weight to come back. That’s why experts recommend making sustainable changes to your diet. Essentially, you must create a plan that incorporates healthy food you will eat on a daily basis.

How To Maintain Your New Weight

Although maintenance is hard, it’s not impossible. You can keep the pounds off by paying attention to your diet. Generally, food is more important than physical activity during maintenance mode. Of course, exercising is essential but locking down your diet is critical! Different fitness apps offer “weight management” features that calculate your caloric intake in order to maintain your weight. From there, you can create a meal plan that follows the calorie recommendations.

An Alternative Solution

Weight loss is different for everyone, and some people require extra help. If you’re interested in an effective solution, bariatric surgery is an option. One thing to consider when choosing a bariatric procedure is the type of surgery you want to undergo. Some procedures shrink the size of your stomach, while other surgeries restrict food intake. Both are effective for weight loss, but it’s vital to consult with your doctor about bariatric procedures.

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