Nicole Rapp

Nordonia Holds First Place in Greater Cleveland High School Hockey League (GCHSHL) Blue South Division, Bay Village next home game

Nordonia Holds First Place in Greater Cleveland High School Hockey League (GCHSHL) Blue South Division, Bay Village next home game Nordonia Knights moved to...

New Year’s Resolution, Year Of The Rabbit, And Of Retribution In 2023

Whether you start your new years on January 1st or celebrate the Chinese lunar new year on January 22nd, new year resolutions are often...

Where Has The Sunshine Gone? Did Your Vitamin D Levels Go With It?

Sunny Ohio- we are not. At least not this time of year. It is difficult to be one big old ray o’ sunshine when...

Garvas’ Family Christmas Lights Display and Jukebox! Come Visit!

When you drive down Firestone Lane from now until January 8, 2023, and 5pm-11pm- slow down and tune into 87.9 FM.  The Garvas’ Family...

Check Out a Fantastic Synchronized Christmas Lights Display By A Local College Student- Brennan Satola

It’s that time of year again…. when we load up the car with pajama laden children, and mugs of hot chocolate and snuggle into...

Macedonia Parks and Recreation Winterfest Festival of Lights 2022 Had a Great Turnout on a Foggy December Night…

As visitors of all ages strolled through the beautiful and spacious Longwood Park, they were greeted by Mayor Nick Molnar, who has shown his...