By Emily Chesnic
Northfield Village Council President Jennifer Domzalski wants people in the community spending time outside now that the weather is nicer, and the...
Also, Council Still Mulling Bank Property Ideas
By Emily Chesnic
The Village of Northfield is aware some residents recently received multiple sewer bill statements at one...
Also, Council Learns Police Department is Training K9 Cash
By Emily Chesnic
The Village of Northfield is continuing an annual activity allowing residents to dispose of...
Also, Village Going ‘Blue’ for Autism Awareness Month in April
By Emily Chesnic
Village of Northfield is concerned about the safety of those who select to...
Each banner will honor a specific serviceperson with Nordonia area ties and will include their name, branch of service, and photo. New applications will...
Also, Village Pushes Parking Lot Project Back Among Varying Ideas for the Site
By Emily Chesnic
The Village of Northfield is continuing to iron out the...
Also, Northfield Continues to Work Through the Budget Process
By Emily Chesnic
As the Village of Northfield finalizes the 2021 budget, projects planned for the new...
The Village of Northfield Community Garage Sale will be 5/31/24 - 6/2/24.
Please click HERE for the 5/31 - 6/2/24 Village of Northfield Community Garage...