Nordonia Athletic Director Remains Positive, yet Disheartened for School’s Spring Athletes (PODCAST) By Darayus Sethna

By Darayus Sethna

On Friday, April 24th, I was able to contact Nordonia Athletic Director, Rob Eckenrode, for a quick interview to ask him about how the current district shutdown has impacted the student athletes who compete during this time of year. Throughout the interview, Mr. Eckenrode expressed his frustration and concern for the seniors who would be unable to participate in their respective sports, as it is their final school year at Nordonia:

“It’s disappointing. I feel just horrible for the senior athletes.” 

During the course of the interview, I also asked Mr. Eckenrode about how the cancellation of spring activities has impacted not just the high school, but the entirety of the Nordonia Community as well: 

“I wish there was something more that we could do… I wish I could go back and wave that magic wand and make everything okay; I certainly understand their ❲the Nordonia Community’s❳ disappointment.” 

Mr. Eckenrode also discussed how no students have spoken to him personally regarding the cancellation. Part of that reasoning is due to the fact that the entire state of Ohio is still under the “stay-at-home” order: 

“Obviously, right now we are still under the governor’s orders with the lockdown.”

Now since these seniors will be missing their final seasons of spring activities, they obviously are missing a year on their athletic resume. Another question I had for Mr. Eckenrode regarded how student athletes, especially current seniors, can possibly compensate for this “lost season.” According to him, patience and time are the keys: 

“I wish I could predict the future on what’s going to happen… but at the present time, we are waiting to see what the next steps will be from the governor ❲DeWine❳ and then make the appropriate decisions.”  

Although there is a great uncertainty regarding the future of sports in the Nordonia Community, Mr. Eckenrode had a chance to express his optimism for the students at the end of our interview: 

“We are going to get through this thing together and sports will be back at Nordonia. I am not going to say when, because I don’t know, I will be honest with you. But we will be back and Nordonia will be strong once again.” 

From myself and NordoniaHills.News, we truly thank Mr. Eckenrode for his time and consideration for this interview. We wish for nothing other than the best in the Nordonia Hills School District and Community. 

* You can listen to the full interview between Mr. Eckenrode and I below (click green arrow). 

* To access the “Cleveland Sports Show” podcast and my other work, please visit, where you will be able to view my “Twitter” account (@NordoniaSports) as well as my “SoundCloud” Channel. 

* You can also locate my “Spotify” Channel by typing in “The Cleveland Sports Show” or “Darayus Sethna” in the “Spotify” search bar. 


Darayus Sethna
Darayus Sethna
Analyst, commentator, storyteller. Current host of the Cleveland Sports Show, and Cavs Analyst on WAKR's Center Court.

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