Tech Danger: 5 Important Tips to Reduce Kids’ Screen Time

Technology is constantly at our fingertips. Our phones are always in our hands, and if not that, there’s a tablet, remote, or laptop close by. With how much it affects our adult lives, it’s no wonder our children are constantly searching for these electronics in their own hands. Though an hour or two for a movie isn’t a bad thing, kids tend to get used to that screen’s glare and crave it. This is when we run into a problem. As children get older, their screen time goes up, which means their movement and activity goes way down. The effects of this technology addiction are one we should strive to reduce, simply for the younger generation’s health.

Breaking this tech addiction can be quite complicated, however. To help you and your children out, we’ve included some tips to reduce kids’ screen time. The sooner you implement these, the sooner they’ll enjoy the feeling of disconnecting. Check them out!

Set an Example

This is probably one of the most important things you can do to help reduce your child’s screen time. As we discussed above, our children see us on our electronics so much, so they want the same. The sooner we can set establish a tech-free space, the sooner they’ll quit their overuse as well. Try to keep electronic use to a minimum when you’re with children.

Require Outdoor Play

One of the big downsides of tech addiction is underdeveloped social skills. Constantly looking at a screen instead of going out and playing with others can be quite inhibiting to your child’s future. Try setting rules that for every 30 minutes of tech time, then there should be equal outdoor play. Encourage them to go to the neighborhood playground, as that will help spur their social skills more than electronics ever could.

Keep Computers and TVs in Shared Spaces

When you allow computers and TVs in bedrooms, you’re incentivizing screen time. It makes technology an even bigger part of their life when it’s in their personal space. Do your best to keep computers and TVs in shared spaces of the house, so that you can keep an eye on how often they’re watching and what they’re watching.

Make Tech Limits Known

Just like the limit of bigger tech should stay in shared spaces, you should also make other limits known. For example, one limit could be how there is only one or two hours of TV allowed per day. The more you clarify these limits from the get-go, the less of a battle you’ll have with the kids later on.

Find Other Ways to Have Fun

Now, one of the easiest ways to reduce kids’ screen time is by encouraging them to find fun in other areas. Focusing on fostering hobbies will help them learn that there is much more to life than what’s on the screen. Sign them up for clubs, introduce them to your favorite hobbies, or let them explore. When they’re full of joy from other areas, they’ll be less likely to search for it online!

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