Update from Longwood Manor Historical Society

Greetings everyone and welcome to our new members.

We had a very successful Second Annual Ladies Tea on Saturday 5/13/23. Thanks to Debbie Mikulski and Dorothy Berman for the food. Thanks to John Leben and Les Berman for the kitchen help. Thanks to Jan Radigan for the use of her teapots. Thanks to the Scouts for serving and helping with clean up. Pictures will be on the website sometime soon.

We will be hosting the Brecksville Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Mother Daughter Luncheon on Sunday May 21 at 1:30 PM. This is open to non-Eastern Star members. If you are interested in attending, please contact me by calling 216-469-3242. Cost is $15.00.

We have a LMHS meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 23 at 10AM at the Manor. We will be discussing next stages in the restoration of the Manor and presenting information concerning the electrician evaluations. We will be having youth from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church doing a workday in June and planning for that and associated tasks to be completed will be discussed. There will be election of officers at this meeting.

Open house is on Sunday, May 28 from 1-4 PM. Have you seen the Manor recently? The dining room looks great thanks to the work of Ian Mikulski and John Leben. Feel free to stop by.

LMHS will not be participating in the Northfield Memorial Day parade but there are plans to lay a wreath on the grave on Colonel Long. Exact date and time are not known at this time.

Plans are underway for a presentation on old time television by Mike Ollszewski. Date and location will be announced.

The University heights Symphonic Band will be performing in concert on Thursday, July 20, starting at 7:00 PM. The concert is free and will be on the grounds of the Manor. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the music.

Plans are underway for a rummage sale in August.

Members of LMHS have been attending meetings with the Historical Society of Olde Northfield (HSON) and they have been at LMHS meetings. Longwood Manor received a couch from HSON and we gave them the large Foote Family Bible in exchange. We were given the bible by the United Methodist Church of Macedonia. We are working on developing a relationship with HSON. Both organizations have the same goal of preserving local history.

Have you read the Notes from The Manor column in the Nordonia Hills News? It appears in print and on-line monthly.

I have attached the approved minutes from our March 28, 2023 meeting for you to review.

Looking forward to seeing you at a meeting or event.

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