What Are the Must-Have Tools for New Homeowners?

Become your own handyman and undergo maintenance or home improvement projects. But first, gather the essential tools. Check out this list of must-have tools for new homeowners and purchase these items soon!


A Phillips-head screwdriver is one of the best tools to own because it allows you to screw and unscrew bolts. As a new homeowner, you may have home improvement projects to complete. The screwdriver helps you install hardware with ease.


Although many people use their smartphone’s flashlight for illumination, you still need a reliable flashlight. In case of power outages or if you need a bright light, a LED flashlight is a great tool for anyone. They’re also inexpensive. Purchase two or three lights and keep them in various places. For instance, store a flashlight in your garage, storage closet, or bedroom.

Drain Snake

The drain snake is one of the drain cleaning tools to keep at home. Clogs and blockages are common plumbing issues that people encounter. To quickly clear a drain, use a drain snake to push clogs down your pipes. This allows the material to move into the sewer system and then the main sewer line.

Extension Cord

Electrical extension cords are convenient for different applications. If you host an outdoor party, the cord can power speakers or outdoor lights. If you start a home improvement project, the cord will power equipment and tools. Extension cords come in various sizes, but it’s best to own one that’s 15-50 feet.

Utility Knife

A utility knife is another must-have tools for new homeowners because it’s extremely useful. From opening large boxes to cutting carpet, a quality utility knife is handy. Please note that these knives are sharp, so keep them away from children and pets. Doing so prevents accidents! Additionally, always handle the knife with care the avoid cutting your hand.


Last but not least, the toolbox itself is a valuable tool for homeowners. As you accumulate items, the box will store your tools in one safe place. Make sure that your toolbox is accessible. Keep it in a good spot. Many people store their toolbox in their garage, basement, or storage closet.

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