Nicole Rapp

“Tomorrow’s Dentistry” Invests in NHS Hockey

Nordonia High School Varsity Hockey players recently were treated to custom fit mouth guards provided by Dr. William R. Davidson and Dr. Michael Davidson...

Read This Before You Toss Those Pumpkins

Pumpkin Treats for Your Pooches What will you do with all of those pumpkins once Halloween and Thanksgiving are over?  Will you cut into the...

Congratulations NHSA 2008/09 Girls And Winter Soccer Signups

By Damon Ninham and Nicole Rapp Fall sports are coming to an end and the dreadful Ohio winter is approaching. Have a child who loves...

Do You Know a Backseat Driver?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “a backseat driver is someone who gives unwanted advice or who tries to control something that is supposed to be...

Are you my MOMMY, MOM or BRUH? Does your teen speak in slang?

This makes me think of a children’s book we most certainly read to our children as they were toddlers into preschool and kindergarten years...


Do You Smell Popcorn? Pumpkin Pie, or Garlic Bread?  How about Skunk? -Or Does It Smell Like Burnt Toast or Coffee Since You Had Covid-19?...