Roofing Material Options To Consider for Your Home

When looking for ways to change the look of their home’s exterior, many people try changing their landscaping or painting their house a new color. Most of them tend to overlook the roof entirely. However, a new rooftop could be just the thing you need to spice up your home. Plus, if you need to fix it up anyway, now is the perfect time to make a change.

If you’re unsure which kinds of roofing material options you should consider for your home, though, we’re here to help. We have some suggestions you should look into before committing to any rooftop type.


Most of these lists start with asphalt shingles, but those are so common they’re not worth mentioning. Instead, we’re going to begin our list with a slate rooftop. This kind comes in either tile or shingle form. Both forms can be quite heavy, so you’ll need to ensure your house can support them. If it can, this roofing material is an attractive yet durable option that will truly make your home stand out.


If you want a rooftop type that gives you multiple options to choose from, then a metal roof might be the best option for you. Not only can you select the type of metal it’s made of, but you can also change the color. Pretty much any hue you can think of is a possibility. However, you might want to look into some suggestions on picking the right color for your metal roof so that the paint doesn’t clash with the rest of your home.


While it might seem a bit dated, a wooden roof is a common style people still choose for their homes. Obviously, regular maintenance will be mandatory to keep it in good condition, but many people like it due to its durability, energy efficiency, and stunning appearance. Depending on the type of house you own, this could be just the thing it’s missing.


If you want a rooftop that will last you a lifetime, then a synthetic one is the way to go. Its durability outclasses most of its competitors and requires almost no maintenance on your end. On top of that, it’s surprisingly affordable when you factor in how long it’ll last. However, that does mean the initial cost will be a bit on the higher side.

Solar Panel

The last roofing material option you should consider for your home technically isn’t a material at all—it’s solar panel shingles. Having a roof full of these will save you a ton of money on your monthly electricity bill. However, that comes at the insane cost of buying and installing these shingles. Plus, they’re much more fragile than most other options.

In most scenarios, you may not think about solar panel shingles. However, we still wanted to mention them because the technology is quite fascinating, and we’re sure they’ll become much stronger and cheaper in the coming years.

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