Safely Share the Road With Semitrucks While on a Road Trip

Road trips are fun for the whole family. Getting everyone into a car with some snacks, a Journey CD, and a sense of adventure is perfect for making memories. When you’re traveling down the highway, encountering large semitrucks is inevitable. To ensure your good time doesn’t end in tragedy, remember these ways to safely share the road with semitrucks while on a road trip.

Be Aware of the Trucks

Unsurprisingly, part of being safe around semitrucks on the highway is simply being aware of these trucks. Pay attention to how fast they’re going, and make sure you stay out of their blind spots. A general rule to remember is if you can’t see the driver, the driver can’t see you.

When a truck is trying to merge onto the highway, don’t speed up to try and beat it. Get over into another lane if you’re able to. It’s a lot harder for the truck to stop than for you to.

Remain Free of Distractions

Don’t let any distractions put you at risk when you’re driving on the freeway around a semi. Avoid anything that takes your eyes or hands off the steering wheel. When you’re driving at 70 miles per hour on the highway, horrible things happen in seconds. Checking your phone or reaching for an object you dropped can wait until you can come to a safe stop.

Watch Those Lights

Safely sharing the road with semitrucks while on a road trip is easy when you consider your environment. Avoid using your high beams when driving at night, as they risk blinding a truck driver. No one—especially truck drivers—likes bright halogen lights in their rearview mirrors. Be mindful of factors you can control to keep the road safe for everyone.

Driving behind a big truck isn’t fun. We all just want to get around it and continue our road trip. However, safety is everyone’s responsibility. In the event of a truck-related collision, follow the proper steps to handle the accident properly. No one wants their road trip to end in tragedy, so drive safely and smartly on the highway.

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