Vitamin, Demin, Or Remin and What Does It all Mean?

On June 29, 2022 Nicole spoke to residents at the Macedonia Senior center about nutrition as it relates to oral and systemic health. Vitamins, minerals, and deficiencies of each, along with pictures of oral lesions/teeth conditions were thoroughly covered. PH levels of different beverages were analyzed, as they create an acidic environment-which can be damaging to enamel, and contributes to demineralization. Demineralization robs teeth of their important minerals, which weakens them, and starts occurring at a PH level below 5.5.  See the PH graphs below for examples. Fluoride is a beneficial mineral that helps remineralize and support teeth, protecting them from cavities.  Dental toothpastes, mouthrinses, and fluoride concentrations contained within were introduced. The attendees were taught how to recognize which dental products contain fluoride, by recognizing verbiage used in advertising.  The audience of forty-five senior citizen residents were actively engaged in the presentation, asking questions, and making comments.  The Senior Center Wednesday speaker series is followed by lunch provided to seniors at cost, located in the basement of Macedonia City Hall.  By Nicole Rapp, RDH, BS

Nicole Rapp, RDH, BS has been in the dental hygiene field for over twenty-eight years, twenty of which have been as a dental hygienist.  She graduated dental hygiene school from Lakeland Community College, where she now teaches part time as a clinical adjunct dental hygiene instructor.  She has contributed to professional dental panels, public speaking, and community events. She is a huge advocate of oral health, as it relates to overall systemic body health.

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